Whether you're planning on visiting or looking for a church to call home, it would be great to have you with us. Whatever your circumstances--single, married, single again, with or without children--and no matter where you've been or what's happened in your life, you are welcome here.
Services at First Church of Semmes are prayerfully designed to be powerful, meaningful, and lifechanging. We begin everything with pre-service prayer, whether it's on Sunday mornings or Wednesday nights, always 30 minutes prior to our regular service times. We want our worship service to be effective, which in turn leads to hearts that are pliable to hear the message for the day. Our resounding worship and praise, and response to the preaching of the Word of God is what we do. It's our identity, so to speak, and we invite you to join us! There is freedom and liberty where the presence of the Lord is. You can expect it!
10 a.m. Main Service
7 p.m. Worship & Breakout Classes
Adult, Main Auditorium
Youth, Fellowship Hall
Kids, Jr. Classroom
Nursery available for infants-2yrs.